Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The last few years we see a lots of new activities in the process of Oil Palm especially the sterilisation process. It started with continuous sterilisation a join development by Malaysian Palm Oil Board and CBIP SB a Malaysian engineering firm. Suddenly we noticed a few other parties in the market developing the vertical steriliser, tilting steriliser, spherical steriliser, inclined steriliser and also different methods of charging and discharging the old horizontal steriliser.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see the industry move away from steam sterilisation, then we can truly call it a new process

Chewbk said...

What is haji nose anyway? Well, u r right that parliment is not a heaven but it is a legal ticket that you can be a representative of the rakyat!!!!Many will respect u as Yang Berhormat!!!!Anyway how does heaven look like??